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«Out of the snow»

An instant opera project for school class with final performances

06.11.2023 09:00 Uhr,

Externer Veranstaltungsraum

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Rachel Leach composition
Tim Yealland director, text

Alter: 10–12 Jahre
Sprache: In English

06. & 07.11.
Workshops at school

04. & 05.12.
Final rehearsals at school

General rehearsal at Philharmonie

15.12.2023 09:40
16.12.2023 10:40

Public Performances as part of Familljefestival «Chrëschtdag»

Out of the Snow is a brand new instant short opera project, written and performed by children with the help of a professional composer and director. The children will write the songs as well as the words of the opera. The story will see us sheltering from the snow one winter, when strangers appear from the ice and reveal incredible secrets from the past. After they have vanished with the thaw will anyone believe what we have been told?

Dans le cadre du Familljefestival «Chrëschtdag» / Im Rahmen des Familljefestivals «Chrëschtdag»



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