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«Loopino an d’Fréijoeresstëmmen»

Musekstheater a Kreativatelieren

10.03.2024 10:30, 14:30 & 16:30,

Espace Découverte

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Julie Kieffer Loopino
Penelope Appleyard, Clare Stewart, Jacob Ewens, Oli Martin-Smith, Augustus Perkins-Ray Gesang
Laurène Schuller Museksatelier
Sara Mossong Kreativitéitsatelier
Tobias Ribitzki Regie
Florian Angerer Bün, Kostümer
Susanne Felicitas Wolf Text

Age: 3–5 years
Language: Op Lëtzebuergesch

Kleng, virwëlzeg an heiansdo och ee bësselche frech – genee esou ass de Wichtel Loopino, esou wéi vill vu sengen dräi bis fënnef Joer al Spectateuren. An zesumme mat hinnen a ganz vill Musek, entdecken si d’Welt. An dësem Joer sinn et di véier – nee, fënnef Joreszäiten, déi hien unzéien. An natierlech duerf och jidderee matmaachen. Well all Loopino Aventure ass verbonne mat engem Kreativatelier.


Small, curious and sometimes a bit cheeky – that’s Loopino, an imp resembling many of his viewers aged 3 to 5. Together with them, accompanied by plenty of music, he discovers the world. This year, it’s the four – no, five – seasons which fascinate him. And there will always be plenty of chances to join the action. After all, each of Loopino’s adventures comes with a creative workshop.

Production Philharmonie


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  • 12
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  • 18

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