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Steven Spielberg’s «E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial», with live music

28.03.2024 19:30,

Grand Auditorium

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Luxembourg Philharmonic
Dirk Brossé direction

Film: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
Steven Spielberg : réalisation
Melissa Mathison : scénario
John Williams : musique

And we’re all coming home with this screening of Steven Spielberg’s 1982 masterpiece. Childhood favourite for some, timeless tale to (re)discover for others, no doubt it will be a pleasant surprise for all, with John Williams’ iconic soundtrack played live by the Luxembourg Philharmonic on the stage of the Grand Auditorium. Winner of four Academy Awards, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial is much more than a family-friendly sci-fi blockbuster. It is first and foremost a subtle parable through which to grapple with deep and essential questions about empathy, friendship and belonging. What if Spielberg’s endearing alien actually helped to make us more human?

Coproduction Philharmonie and Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

Trier–Philharmonie Luxembourg

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