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«Rising star: Axelle Fanyo»

27.03.2024 19:30,

Salle de Musique de Chambre

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Axelle Fanyo soprano
Kunal Lahiry piano

Arnold Schönberg: «Galathea» (Brettl-Lied N° 7)
Arnold Schönberg: «Der genügsame Liebhaber» (Brettl-Lied N° 1)
Arnold Schönberg: «Aus dem Spiegel von Arkadien» (Brettl-Lied N° 8)
Kurt Weill: «La Complainte de la Seine»
Kurt Weill: «Je ne t’aime pas»
Kurt Weill: «Youkali»
Sofia Avramidou: Entre les miroirs
Aaron Copland: «Nature, the gentlest mother» (Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson)
Aaron Copland: «Going to Heaven!» (Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson N° 11)
Aaron Copland: «Heart, we will forget him» (Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson N° 5)
George Gershwin: «The Man I Love»
Traditional: «Sometimes I feel like a motherless child»
Florence Price: «Songs to the Dark Virgin»
Margaret Bonds: «The Negro speaks of rivers»
William Bolcom: «Song of Black Max» (Cabaret Songs 1/5)
William Bolcom: «Toothbrush Time» (Cabaret Songs 2/2)
William Bolcom: «George» (Cabaret Songs 2/6)
William Bolcom: «Amor» (Cabaret Songs 1/6)

in this recital by soprano Axelle Fanyo and pianist Kunal Lahiry. Alongside sensual cabaret songs by Schoenberg, Weill and William Bolcom, the programme also features Aaron Copland’s contemplative settings of Emily Dickinson, songs by groundbreaking African American composers Florence Price and Margaret Bonds, and a new commission from Greek composer Sofia Avramidou.

«Rising stars» – ECHO European Concert Hall Organisation
Nominated by Philharmonie de Paris, Auditorium de Lyon and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

The concert will be recorded and broacast on radio 100,7 on May 9, 2024.


Regular price
  • 25
  • 15
<30 years
  • 15
  • 9

(+352) 26 32 26 32

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