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«Vies d'artistes: Berlioz & Rachmaninov»

22.03.2024 19:30,

Grand Auditorium

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Luxembourg Philharmonic
Gustavo Gimeno direction
Beatrice Rana piano

Sergueï Rachmaninov: Concerto pour piano et orchestre N° 2
Hector Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique (Fantastische Symphonie)

Rachmaninoff wrote his gloriously lyrical Piano Concerto N° 2 while recovering from a nervous breakdown, while Berlioz mined his own romantic despair to create the unforgettable Symphonie fantastique, in which a young artist is driven mad by love. Both works have proved enduringly popular since their premieres. In this performance Gustavo Gimeno conducts the Luxembourg Philharmonic and Italian pianist Beatrice Rana – a shooting star if there ever was one!

Concert de bienfaisance en faveur de la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise

This concert will be recorded and broadcast on radio 100,7 on May 15, 2024.

Trier–Philharmonie Luxembourg

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  • 79
  • 59
  • 39

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