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«Rondeurs et couleurs» / «Kunterbunt und kugelrund»

Spectacle musical pour les bébés / Konzert für Babys

22.03.2024 10:00 & 15:30,

Espace Découverte

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Davide Romeo, Simone Ganser comédie
Baltazar Montanaro violon
Sophie Cavez accordéon
Nelly Danker conception, mise en scène
Nina Ball décors, costumes
Nathalie Villarmé assistance aux décors et aux costumes

Age: 0–2 years
Language: Sans paroles

Blue, red, green, yellow... a wonderful world of colours where everything is round and rolling, flying, gliding and bobbing about! In this world full of music, sometimes dark, sometimes light, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, we encounter someone for whom colour and roundness were hitherto unknown. He quickly falls under the spell and sets out with us to discover this shimmering, spherical world.

Production Philharmonie


    Free seating
  • 12
    Free seating
  • 18

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