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18 January 2024

February is all about strings!

by Eva Klein

February is all about strings at the Philharmonie. Whether electric or acoustic, plucked or strummed, played solo or with a band, the instruments featured in this month’s programme will show you their family’s incredible breadth and diversity, and remind you that the violin isn’t the only one capable of playing your heartstrings! 

04.02. Sona Jobarteh

Gambian composer Sona Jobarteh belongs to the griots, a caste of musician-storytellers who have been keeping and passing on West Africa’s memory for thousands of years. Together with her kora, an instrument boasting no less than 21 strings and infinite narrative possibilities, she invites you to the wondrous world she has inherited. 

09.02. Béla Fleck

Béla Fleck pays homage to his musical roots in a concert which might easily be subtitled «String Madness»! On 09.02., you can look forward to veritable fireworks, launched by five mandolin and fiddle virtuosos joining the banjo player Fleck, who calls no less than fifteen Grammy Awards his own.  

27.02. «Rising star: Sean Shibe»

Enjoy a spiritual odyssey exploring more than 900 years of music, performed by multi-award-winning guitarist Sean Shibe. His repertoire ranges from medieval nun Hildegard of Bingen’s mystical O choruscans lux stellarum to 20th-century composer Steve Reich’s mesmerising Electric Counterpoint.  

28.02. Bill Laurance & Michael League

Experience enlivening melodies woven together by two gifted multi-instrumentalists: Bill Laurance and Michael League from the Grammy-winning fusion band, Snarky Puppy. This intimate and welcoming music-making session will see the piano, the oud and the bass guitar share the stage.  


  • 04.02.2024 19:30, Autour du monde

    Sona Jobarteh

    Has already taken place

    Sona Jobarteh kora, vocals
    Eric Appapoulay guitar
    Andi McLean bass
    Mamadou Sarr percussion
    Sidiki Jobarteh balafon, percussion

    She was educated at Britain’s most prestigious conservatories, but her creative spark could never be content with only six centuries of European music history… In fact, Gambian composer Sona Jobarteh belongs to the griots, a caste of musicianstorytellers who have been keeping and passing on West Africa’s memory for thousands of years. Together with her kora, an instrument boasting no less than 21 strings and infinite narrative possibilities, she returns to the Philharmonie for the second time in her career, inviting her listeners to the wondrous world she has inherited, with flair and style.


    NOTE: Please note that the concert initially scheduled for Saturday 20.01.24 has been moved to Sunday 04.02.24 at 19:30 due to a change in the artist’s touring schedule. The Philharmonie's Information & Billetterie is at your disposal for any further information you may require. We thank you for your understanding!

  • 09.02.2024 19:30, Autour du monde

    Béla Fleck

    Vortrag Nico Thom: «Bluegrass – Virtuose Volksmusik im Wandel der Zeit» (DE) There is a résonances event linked to this concert Has already taken place

    Béla Fleck banjo
    Sierra Hull mandoline
    Michael Cleveland fiddle
    Bryan Sutton acoustic guitar
    Justin Moses Dobro, fiddle, banjo

    Béla Fleck pays homage to his musical roots in a concert entitled «My Bluegrass Heart» – which might easily be subtitled «String Madness». On 09.02., the audience can look forward to veritable fireworks, launched by five mandolin and fiddle virtuosos joining the banjo player Fleck, who calls no less than fifteen Grammy Awards his own. After several musical excursions into jazz and in a duo with Chick Corea in recent years, he now returns to his stylistic roots. Bluegrass is also the subject of an introductory talk in German which Nico Thom will give at the Salle de Musique de Chambre at 18:45.

  • 27.02.2024 19:30, Rising stars

    «Rising star: Sean Shibe»

    Has already taken place

    Sean Shibe guitare acoustique, guitare électrique

    Enjoy a spiritual odyssey exploring more than 900 years of music, performed by multi-award-winning guitarist Sean Shibe. His repertoire will range from medieval nun Hildegard of Bingen’s mystical O choruscans lux stellarum to 20th-century composer Steve Reich’s mesmerising Electric Counterpoint. Other composers featured include baroque genius Johann Sebastian Bach, boundary-breaker Olivier Messiaen, and minimalist performance artist Julius Eastman.

    «Rising stars» - ECHO European Concert Hall Organisation
    Nominated by The Barbican Centre

    This concert is recorded by radio 100,7 and will be broadcast on 7 April 2024.

  • 28.02.2024 19:30, Chill at the Phil

    Bill Laurance & Michael League

    Has already taken place

    Michael League bass, oud
    Bill Laurance piano

    «We were instinctively trying to create a place where people want to go to, that felt comforting.» The pianist and bassist from Grammy-winning fusion band, Snarky Puppy, on using the 2020 lockdowns to create an intimate and welcoming, but no less inventive, sound. Experience the uplifting result, with enlivening melodies woven together by Laurance on piano and League on various fretless guitars and West African and Middle Eastern stringed instruments.