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27 January 2011

Following the Ninth

by Philharmonie Luxemburg

In the footsteps of Beethoven's final symphony. That's the subtitle of a new documentary which should be finished end of April and then be released.

According the website on which the film is promoted, it is " a documentary film taking us on a cinematic journey across five continents and into the heart and soul of one of the world’s greatest works of art."
Furthermore :"Following the Ninth is a cinematic celebration of the most profound musical testament to tolerance, peace and (...) connection across all borders the world has shared for centuries."

I leave it up to you to judge the quality of this documentary, but I like the basic idea it wants to convey : "Beethoven’s Ninth offers beauty in the face of suffering, presenting ideas all can understand:  art allows us to transcend, heal, repair, and bring people together across every boundary that divides us".

Check the trailer and tell us what you think about!
