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02 May 2018

Grands rendez-vous 2018/19

by Philharmonie Luxembourg

In seven «Grands rendez-vous», the OPL and its chief conductor Gustavo Gimeno, Artist in residence Philippe Herreweghe, two guest conductors and eight soloists invite you to explore Russian, French and German-Austrian repertoire. From Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johannes Brahms to Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Edward Elgar and Gustav Mahler, and all the way to Francis Poulenc and Henri Dutilleux – the OPL offers symphonic music in all its richness.

Get to know some soloists of the 2018/19 «Grands rendez-vous» in our blog post:

Leonidas Kavakos is going to play Igor Stravinsky's Concerto pour violon et orchestre.

By the way, Yuja Wang is one of this season's Artists in residence at the Philharmonie.

Vilde Frang will perform Bartók's Concerto pour violon et orchestre N° 1.

«I started thinking about cello technique while watching a National Geographic documentary about gorillas. They’re superb machines, completely unconscious of the mechanics of movement. They are so fluid and relaxed. At that moment I had an epiphany about my playing. My goal became to be completely natural and instinctive in the use of both my hands.»

This is the opening of an intriguing interview by The Strad with cellist Jian Wang in which he explained his method of practising hand movements.

Jian Wang | photo: Xu Bin Jian Wang | photo: Xu Bin

Enjoy Edward Elgar's Concerto pour violoncelle et orchestre with Jian Wang.

Jonas Kaufmann on his colleague Anja Harteros (in German):

Anja Harteros will perform Wagner's Wesendonck-Lieder with the OPL and Gustavo Gimeno, as she did on their tour in January 2018 - and the critics loved it.

Look forward to the Labèque sisters' performance of Francis Poulenc's Concerto pour deux pianos et orchestre.

Veronika Eberle is going to interpret Mozart's Violinkonzert N° 3 KV 216.

FYI: Gautier Capuçon will be in concert with Bernard Haitink and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe at the Philharmonie on 05.02.2019.

Under the baton of Artist in residence Philippe Herreweghe, Martin Helmchen is going to play Brahm's Klavierkonzert N° 1.


  • 14.09.2018 20:00

    Gustavo Gimeno / Leonidas Kavakos / OPL

    Has already taken place

    Une fois n’est pas coutume, ce sont cette année l’Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg et son directeur musical Gustavo Gimeno qui ouvrent la saison 2018/19 de la Philharmonie. Ils partagent à cette occasion l’affiche avec un autre habitué de la scène du Grand Auditorium, le violoniste grec Leonidas Kavakos, pour un flamboyant programme de musique russe. Consacrée à Stravinsky, la première partie du concert verra se succéder Jeu de cartes, «ballet en trois donnes» qui met en scène un facétieux joker, et le Concerto pour violon, page néoclassique virtuose. OEuvre marquée par le thème du destin, cher à son auteur, la Symphonie N° 5 de Tchaïkovski clôturera ce premier rendez-vous, précédé d’un Artist talk à 19:15 avec Gustavo Gimeno et un musicien de l’orchestre.

    Kulturpass, bienvenue!

    Henry J. Leir 20th anniversary Memorial Concert with the kind support of the Leir Charitable Foundations
    Ce concert sera enregistré et diffusé en direct sur radio 100.7 et SR2.

  • 08.11.2018 20:00

    Gustavo Gimeno – Mahler 4

    Has already taken place

    Peu de temps avant que l’Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, sous la baguette de son chef Gustavo Gimeno, entreprenne une tournée en Espagne avec les solistes Miah Persson et Vilde Frang, certaines oeuvres au programme de cette tournée seront à l’affiche du concert dans le Grand Auditorium le 08.11. La violoniste norvégienne Vilde Frang jouera le Concerto pour violon N° 1 de Bartók, tandis que pour ce concert Camilla Tilling interprètera la partie soliste de la Symphonie N° 4 de Mahler.

    Kulturpass bienvenue!

    Ce concert sera enregistré par 100.7 et retransmis le 12 décembre 2018.

  • 18.01.2019 20:00

    Nikolaj Znaider / Jian Wang / OPL

    Has already taken place

    Kulturpass bienvenue!

    Ce concert sera enregistré et retransmis en direct sur radio 100.7 et SR2-Kulturradio.

  • 15.02.2019 20:00

    Gustavo Gimeno / Anja Harteros – Wagner

    Has already taken place

    Not only the opulent sound of Richard Wagner’s Wesendonck-Lieder makes them the embodiment of romantic yearning, it is above all their history that makes them interesting, which would not surprise even readers of today’s gossip columns. Wagner set to music texts by Mathilde Wesendonck, the wife of one his patrons with whom he had a passionate affair. On February 15, Anja Harteros, one of today’s great vocal stars, performs these expressive songs with the Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg under Gustavo Gimeno. No less sensual are the following works by Webern and Franck. Immerse yourselves in the history of the OPL before the concert at 7:15 pm.

    Ce concert sera enregistré par radio 100.7 et diffusé ultérieurement.

  • 08.03.2019 20:00

    Gustavo Gimeno / Katia & Marielle Labèque / OPL

    Has already taken place

    Henri Dutilleux’ composition Métaboles is a kind of hidden «concerto for orchestra», systematically offering each instrument group the chance to put its best foot forward. This is also true of Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Dances, which has clearly discernible programmatic components; even if the composer later expunged the movement titles Midday, Twilight and Night, several musical quotations and the atmosphere remain. Between these two works, Poulenc’s Concerto for Two Pianos is heard, played by the sisters Katia and Marielle Labèque. Under their hands, a graceful work comes alive which incorporates the attractive colours of Balinese music with Mozart allusions as well – all with a musical wink.

    Kulturpass bienvenue!

    Ce concert sera enregistré par radio 100.7 et diffusé le 10 avril 2019.

  • 26.04.2019 20:00

    Andrew Manze / Veronika Eberle / OPL

    Has already taken place

    Anton Bruckner’s Seventh Symphony did not have an easy time finding its way into the standard repertoire – a fate it shares with many of the composer’s works. Today, however, it has become one of Bruckner’s most popular and most frequently performed compositions, never failing to provide attractive challenges for any symphony orchestra of renown. The Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg dedicates itself to this score under the baton of the British conductor Andre Manze. In the first concert half, Mozart’s Violin Concerto N° 3 is an equally popular work. The soloist is Veronika Eberle, an artist praised for her sensuous yet carefully thought-out interpretations. The musicologist Katrin Stöck offers an introduction to the programme in German at 7:15 pm at the Salle de Musique de Chambre.

    Ce concert sera enregistré par radio 100.7 et SR2 Kulturradio et retransmis en direct, puis le 10 juillet 2019.

  • 17.05.2019 20:00

    Philippe Herreweghe / OPL

    Has already taken place

    The Orchestre Philharmonie du Luxembourg awaits a memorable event on May 17: Philippe Herreweghe completes his artistic residency as leader of the orchestra. The evening’s soloist is the German pianist Martin Helmchen, whom ResMusica describes as one «who shows no interest in impressing by superficial virtuosity, but rather illuminates the innermost character of the work». He will be heard in Johannes Brahms’ monumental First Piano Concerto, followed by the composer’s Fourth Symphony. In addition, the composer will be the subject of a comparison of recordings presented by the musicologist Hélène Pierrakos at the Salle de Musique de Chambre in French at 18:45.

    REMARQUE: Nous avons le regret de vous annoncer que Martin Helmchen, souffrant, est contraint d’annuler sa prestation avec Philipppe Herreweghe et l’OPL, ce vendredi 17 mai à la Philharmonie Luxembourg. Nous tenons à remercier la violoniste Carolin Widmann d’avoir accepté de le remplacer dans un si court délai, avec le Concerto pour violon de Mendelssohn.

    Ce concert sera enregistré par radio 100.7 et retransmis ultérieurement.