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09 May 2023

In support of «Bridges»

by Eva Klein

«Bridges» is a collaborative initiative by the Philharmonie Luxembourg, the Fondation EME and the Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise which offers free music instruments and classes to refugees from multiple centres across Luxembourg. By providing the tools and resources necessary to learn and make music, Bridges seeks to create a safe and inclusive space for refugees to express themselves and form meaningful connections with others. Ultimately, «Bridges» aims to showcase their musical talent, invite them into the Orchestre de la Place de l’Europe and thus demonstrate how people from various backgrounds and cultures can be brought together through the universal language of music.

The project revolves around three key action points:

1. A Fundraising Concert: All proceeds from the 17.06 concert featuring the Orchestre de la Place de l’Europe at the Philharmonie will be used to purchase a set of musical instruments.

2. An Instrument Fund: The instruments will then be lent to the Fondation EME, who will curate a holistic programme including music tutorials, workshops, and masterclasses for refugees of all ages. The classes will be free of charge, and the instruments will be made available at no cost. Refugees who already have their own instruments will also be welcome to join.

3. Joining Luxembourg’s leading amateur orchestra: Finally, the participants of «Bridges» will be gradually integrated into the Orchestre de la Place de l’Europe (OPE). The OPE is a classical orchestra that brings together amateur musicians from all backgrounds. By joining the OPE, refugees will have the opportunity to showcase their talents, perform at prestigious venues, and inspire others to embrace diversity and cultural exchange.

Through the «Bridges» project, the Philharmonie Luxembourg and the Fondation EME will provide refugees with a means of artistic expression, socialisation, and inclusion. By creating a safe and supportive environment in which they can learn, create and heal, «Bridges» will foster a sense of community, belonging, and hope.


  • 17.06.2023 20:00

    Orchestre de la Place de l’Europe / Benjamin Schäfer

    Has already taken place
    «Un orchestre symphonique amateur d’une étonnante qualité», titrait en juin dernier Pizzicato à l’occasion du tout premier concert de l’Orchestre de la Place de l’Europe, phalange d’instrumentistes non professionnels créée quelques mois plus tôt par la Philharmonie Luxembourg. Forts de ce succès, les musiciens ont poursuivi l’aventure cette saison, toujours sous la baguette de Benjamin Schäfer, percussionniste de l’Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, afin de préparer leur concert final dans le Grand Auditorium. Celui de 2022 s’était terminé sous un «tonnerre d’applaudissements et des standing ovations»; gageons qu’il en sera de même lors du deuxième: rendez- vous le 17.06. pour le savoir.

    En soutien à «Bridges»