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16 February 2011

Meet the artist: The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

by Philharmonie Luxemburg

Yesterday, Julie met Dave Suich and Will Grove White in the backstage area, a few hours before the "Absolute Beginner's Guide to the Ukulele" and the concert.

How does the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain choose the songs it performs? Do Dave and Will have some advice for beginners?  Check out what they said:

You may also ask yourself, what this picture above is. These are the sheets from the flipchart of the first lesson Hester Goodman and George Hinchliffe gave yesterday during the Backstage-session (event before the concert). Basically, they explained (like Will and Dave in the video), that you just need three chords to play most of the pop/rock repertoire :-) C, G and F!

Dave Suich, Peter Brooke Turner, Hester Goodman, George Hinchliffe, Richie Williams, Kitty Lux, Will Grove White, Jonty Bankes Dave Suich, Peter Brooke Turner, Hester Goodman, George Hinchliffe, Richie Williams, Kitty Lux, Will Grove White, Jonty Bankes

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