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Béatrice Daudin


After brilliant studies at the CNR in her home town, Metz, Béatrice Daudin went on to further studies under Jacques Delecluse at the CNSM in Paris, where she obtained first prizes in percussion, theory, harmony, and chamber music, while at the same time pursuing her studies of orchestral conducting and the piano. She went on to teach at the ENM in St Brieuc, where she expanded her repertoire by playing in the jazz quartet with the pianist and composer Joël Cadoret. She taught percussion at the CNR in Metz and in 1989 became solo percussionist with the Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, thereby opening the way to a career as a soloist. Among other works, she has performed Bartók’s Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion with Jean-Efflam Bavouzet and Christian Zimmerman, Ohana’s Miroir de Célestine at the Festival de Lille with Élisabeth Chojnacka, Xenakis’s Psappha, Ivo Malec’s Vibraphonietta, Xenakis’s Aïs with the baritone Spyros Sakkas at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris, and Grant McLachlan’s Umbhiyozo waze Africa with Élisabeth Chojnacka. In 2010, she appeared with the OPL Percussion Quartet in a John Cage programme. In 2012, she wrote a piece entitled L’Art-chez Surprise (which was performed at the Philharmonie Luxembourg) as a tribute to Debussy. Béatrice Daudin’s career, thus, is one of constant development, involving a ceaseless search for new harmonics and a quest for purity, at once poetic and thoughtful.

Photo: Eric Chenal Photo: Eric Chenal