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Katrin Reutlinger


Katrin Reutlinger had her first cello classes at the age of eight. After completing her secondary education, she began musical studies at the Musikhochschule Hannover under Friedrich-Jürgen Sellheim. When he died young, she moved to Klaus Heitz’s class and went on to graduate with distinction. Later, she undertook postgraduate studies at the Musikhochschule Würzburg, where she was taught by Xenia Jancoviv and was awarded the Konzertexamen in November 2000. Katrin Reutlinger has always been passionately devoted to chamber music – during her studies, she was a member of the Brentano-Trio – and gained early orchestral experience with, among others, the Radio-Philharmonie Hannover des NDR, the Orchestra of the Hamburg State Opera, and the Staatsoper Hannover. Master classes brought her into contact with eminent cellists such as Frans Helmerson, Siegfried Palm, Wolfgang Boettcher, and Rudolf Leopold. Katrin Reutlinger has been a cellist in the Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg since March 1999.

Photo: Sébastien Grébille Photo: Sébastien Grébille