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«A Mother’s Voice»

live performance: Musici Ireland stir up the collective memory

18.11.2023 15:30,

Grand Auditorium

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Musici Ireland
Ioana Petcu-Colan, Lidia Jewloszewicz-Clarke violon
Beth McNinch alto, conception
Katie Tertell violoncelle
Bridget Ní Dhuinn installation
Eoin McNinch lumière
Colm Hinchin son
Eadha Bortollozzo, Jack Kirwan animation vidéo

Linda Buckley, Irene Buckley: A Mother’s Voice

Duration: 25’

Commemorative multidisciplinary work for string quartet and electronics dedicated to the many women affected by the mother-and-baby homes in Ireland during the 1900s.


Pass à la journée / Tagespass / day pass: 18.11.: 20 € (<30 ans: 12 €)
Pass pour l’ensemble du festival / Festivalpass / festival pass (4 jours / Tage / days): 55 € (<30 ans: 33 €)

Has already taken place



Cooperation with

Culture Ireland