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«Beethoven 9»

By Circa

01.01.2024 17:00,

Grand Théâtre, Luxembourg

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Luxembourg Philharmonic
Laurence Equilbey direction
Amina Edris soprano
Agata Schmidt alto
Amitai Pati ténor
Alexander Tsymbalyuk basse
C!rca acrobatie
Yaron Lifschitz mise en scène
Libby McDonnell costumes

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphonie N° 9

Joy, beautiful spark of the Gods, daughter of Elysium… You’ve heard the «Ode to Joy» before? Now, imagine it not as the European anthem, but embedded within the epic masterpiece it is originally a part of, Ludwig van Beethoven’s Ninth - and final - Symphony, enhanced by rapturous acrobatics. Over 200 musicians and singers, contemporary dancers and a 1000-strong theatre filled to the brim: if you are looking to wrap up 2023 on a high note, this is your chance! What’s more, the concert will end well before the clock strikes midnight, leaving you enough time to fill up on crémant and go meet your loved ones before toasting to a happy 2024. Experience musical fireworks before the actual fireworks on 31.12.23. with the Luxembourg Philharmonic at the Grand Théâtre!  


Regular price
  • 65
  • 40
  • 25
< Reduced price
(<26 years)
    All categories
  • 8

(+352) 47 08 95-1

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