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«Catch a sea star»

An opera for babies and toddlers with music by Johann Sebastian Bach

26.05.2024 10:30 & 15:30,

Espace Découverte

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Chiara Vinci soprano (Lyra)
Ian Beadle baryton (Dog-king)
May Robertson, Joanna Lawrence violon
Sam Glazer direction, violoncelle, arrangements
Freya Wynn-Jones mise en scène
Sophia Lovell Smith décors
Zoë Palmer texte, assistance à la mise en scène
Sally Lampitt production

Age: 0–2 years
Language: Sans paroles

Deep under the sea lies a colourful kingdom full of beautiful music and mysterious creatures. But the king has lost his sea-star, and his ocean garden is sad and dull. Can Lyra and her playful dog find the missing star, and restore the sparkle to the underwater world? With music by Johann Sebastian Bach, this interactive multi-sensory opera offers babies and toddlers a chance to explore a fantasy world of music and playful possibilities.

A Seaglass Arts production originally commissioned and produced by Spitalfields Music, 2014, as part of the Musical Rumpus series. With the generous support of Youth Music and the Kirby Laing Foundation.


    Free seating
  • 12
    Free seating
  • 18

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