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«Circo Concerto»

L'histoire de Nico et sa famille / Die Geschichte von Nico und seiner Familie

01.03.2024 10:00,

Salle de Musique de Chambre

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Mayumi Kanagawa Violine
Klaus Christa Viola
Mathias Johansen Violoncello
José Ospina Gaviria Kontrabass
Katya Apekisheva Klavier
Nico Pires Schauspiel, Akrobatik, Diabolo
Kristin Lahoop Schauspiel, Akrobatik, Hula Hoop
Alexander Neander, Wolfram von Bodecker Pantomime
Pauline Chauvet, Jean Pommart Akrobatik
Lionel Ménard Regie
Lutz Wilfert Bühne
Lina Marie Rohde Regieassistenz
Sigrid Herfurth Kostümassistenz

Age: 8–12 years
Language: Sans paroles

The Pires family have been circus performers for generations. The father is a magician, the uncle a tamer, the mother a tightrope walker, the daughter an equestrian, the grandfather a musician, the grandmother an acrobat… The Pires circus is just waiting for the youngest, Nico, to find his calling. But Nico hates the circus. Clowns don't make him laugh, and he doesn't like living in a caravan. The whole family is worried about him, until the day his cousin Mayumi gives him an unexpected present…

Production Philharmonie


6 € par élève / personne accompagnante gratuite
6 € pro Schüler*in / gratis für Begleitperson

Has already taken place