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«Destination Umbidou»

Une histoire d'amitié en terrain inconnu

03.02.2024 11:00, 15:00 & 17:00,

Espace Découverte

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Die Schurken
Martin Schelling clarinette, cor de basset
Stefan Dünser trompette, piccolo, bugle
Martin Deuring contrebasse
Goran Kovačević accordéon
Sara Ostertag mise en scène
Christian Schlechter décors, costumes
Severin Mahrer lumières

Musique de Angelis, Bach, Brun, de Falla, Kandic, Ligeti, Purcell, Satie

Age: 5–9 years
Language: Sans paroles

«On the Way to Umbidu» is a staged concert about the power of dreaming. It is about our desire for something as yet undefined. Can you find this missing piece to the jigsaw puzzle in another person, in yourself, or perhaps in music? On a cold, inclement evening, a few odd characters meet underneath a bridge. Vagrants are not given to speech-making; and anyway, none of them really know where they are heading. Yet somehow the four loners sense that together, they might achieve something. And soon, it occurs to them that it is far more than melancholy that they have in common: one of them has a trumpet, the other an accordion, the third a clarinet and the fourth a real, life-size double bass. Through music, they get to know their companions’ charming, witty side – and they develop a plan: together, they will go in search of the place where supposedly everyone is happy – Umbidu. With the help of music by Bach, Purcell, Ligeti and others, they approach their destination… With off-the-wall improvisation, tender sounds, wild riffs and a fascinating imaginary language, they recount their adventures on their journey to Umbidu.


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  • 12
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  • 18

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