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«Dvořák: Symphonie N° 9 & Beethoven: Chorfantasie»

08.12.2023 20:00,

Grand Auditorium

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European Academic Orchestra
Chœur de Chambre de Luxembourg
Antonio Grosu direction
Elizabeth Wiles, Linda Duhr, Ilia Marinescu soprano
Manou Walesch alto
Florin Guzgă, Olivian Andrisoae ténor
David John Pike baryton
Jean Muller piano

Ludwig van Beethoven: Chorfantasie
Antonín Dvořák: Symphonie N° 9 «Du Nouveau Monde» / «Aus der Neuen Welt»
Anton Bruckner: Psalm 150


Regular price
  • 60
  • 50
  • 40
< 30 years
  • 36
  • 30
  • 24

Has already taken place
