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200 Joer Dicks

24.10.2023 19:30,

Grand Auditorium

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Luxembourg Philharmonic
Sträichquartett vun de Lëtzebuerger Philharmoniker
Ivan Boumans direction, arrangements
Georges Sadeler arrangements
Serge Tonnar vocals
Georges Urwald piano, vocals, arrangements

Œuvres de de la Fontaine, Tonnar, Urwald

Even if the Philharmonie is often a place for profound musical performances – in commemoration of Edmond de la Fontaine, alias «Dicks», born in 1823, it opens its doors for the doyen of Luxembourgish theatre, who left us numerous poems, plays, chansons and operetta texts. On 24.10., the Luxembourg Philharmonic, Serge Tonnar and Georges Urwald will present an evening that is one hundred percent Luxembourgish, both in words and music. The concert is preceded by an Artist talk in the Espace Découverte on 18:45 – op Lëtzebuergesch natierlech!


Regular price
  • 45
  • 35
  • 25
<30 years
  • 27
  • 21
  • 15

(+352) 26 32 26 32

Kulturpass bienvenue!

Has already taken place


Artist talk: den Ivan Boumans, de Serge Tonnar an de Georges Urwald am Gespréich mam Tiffany Saska (LU)

18:45, Espace Découverte

Artist talk: den Ivan Boumans, de Serge Tonnar an de Georges Urwald am Gespréich mam Tiffany Saska (LU)