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Ibrahim Maalouf

«Les Trompettes de Michel-Ange»

09.12.2023 19:30,

Grand Auditorium

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Ibrahim Maalouf trumpet
François Delporte guitar
Mihai Pîrvan saxophone
Yvan Djaouti, Manel Girard, Yacha Berdah, Nizar Ali trumpet
Mohamed Derouich guitar, bass
Julien Tekeyan drums

After an improvisation duel alongside Jean-François Zygel, Ibrahim Maalouf returns to the Philharmonie Luxembourg in December with his project «Les trompettes de Michel-Ange». For this evening as unique as the frescoes decorating the walls of the Sixtine Chapel, the Franco-Lebanese musician has gathered four further trumpet players around him in a most unusual combo. He himself plays an instrument custom-built to his requirements, taking advantage of technical discoveries made by his father in order to combine the sounds of East and West.

Trier–Philharmonie Luxembourg

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