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«Jim is Still Crowing»

live performance: United Instruments of Lucilin featuring Jalalu-Kalvert Nelson

18.11.2023 17:15,

Grand Auditorium

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United Instruments of Lucilin
Sophie Deshayes flûte
Christelle Pochet clarinette
David Sattler basson
André Pons-Valdès, Winnie Cheng violon
Hannah Elgas alto
Adya Khanna Fontenla violoncelle
Pascal Meyer piano
Galdric Subirana percussion
Lautaro Mura direction
Jalalu-Kalvert Nelson trompette

Jalalu-Kalvert Nelson: Jim is Still Crowing

Duration: 35’

«Jim Crow» was the term used for a system created in the 19th century which restricted voting and civil rights of Black Americans until the 1960s. Jalalu-Kalvert Nelson’s work is a reaction to the growing movement which is once again surfacing to enforce segregation in the US.


Regular price
    Free seating
<30 years
    Free seating

Pass à la journée / Tagespass / day pass: 18.11.: 20 € (<30 ans: 12 €)
Pass pour l’ensemble du festival / Festivalpass / festival pass (4 jours / Tage / days): 55 € (<30 ans: 33 €)
Les tickets achetés dans le cadre de l’abonnement «Lucilin : Now !» donne accès à tous les évènements du festival de la journée du 18.11.

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