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«Joyce DiDonato: Dido and Æneas»

31.01.2024 19:30,

Grand Auditorium

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il Pomo d’Oro
il Pomo d’Oro Choir
Maxim Emelyanychev direction
Andrew Staples Jephte, Æneas
Joyce DiDonato Dido
Rowan Pierce Belinda
Beth Taylor Sorceress
Hugh Cutting Spirit
Carlotta Colombo Filia, Second Woman
Massimo Altieri Sailor
Alena Dantcheva First Enchantress
Anna Piroli Second Enchantress

Giacomo Carissimi: Jephte
Henry Purcell: Dido and Æneas (version concert)

What do a powerful queen and a desert girl have in common? The same fateful destiny, the genius of two great baroque masters and the golden voice of mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato. On 31.01., the Philharmonie brings to life two sublime and tragic heroines, both sacrificed on the altar of human recklessness. The beautiful Dido is abandoned by Aeneas, the hero and lover who had promised her everything, while Jephthah’s daughter sees her future stolen due to a misguided promise from her father. Join us for a fascinating musical journey between mythological and biblical worlds, as only the 17th century can offer!

Trier–Philharmonie Luxembourg

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Regular price
  • 75
  • 55
  • 35
<30 years
  • 45
  • 33
  • 21

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