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Lucas & Arthur Jussen

06.02.2024 19:30,

Grand Auditorium

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Lucas Jussen, Arthur Jussen piano

Wolfgang A. Mozart: Sonate für Klavier zu vier Händen KV 521
Robert Schumann: Andante und Variationen op. 46 für zwei Klaviere
Jörg Widmann: Bunte Blätter für zwei Klaviere
Claude Debussy: Six Épigraphes antiques
Sergueï Rachmaninov: Suite pour deux pianos N° 2
Anton Arenski: Bis: La Coquette (Suite op. 23/2)

At the age of thirteen and ten, the brothers Lucas and Arthur Jussen first performed at Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw – today, they are at home in all the world’s leading concert halls. In Luxembourg, they will perform works for four-hand piano and for two pianos, in a programme straddling more than three hundred years of music history. The two pianists are stepping in for their teacher and mentor Maria João Pires, who was originally scheduled to perform this concert together with Ignasi Cambra, but has been forced to cancel all her forthcoming engagements for health reasons.

Trier–Philharmonie Luxembourg

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Regular price
  • 65
  • 45
  • 30
<30 years
  • 39
  • 27
  • 18

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