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«Momotaro, der Pfirsichjunge»

Ein japanisches Volksmärchen in Musik

25.02.2024 11:00, 15:00 & 17:00,

Espace Découverte

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Léonie Renaud Momotaro (Sopran)
Derrick Ballard Dämon (Bassbariton)
Žilvinas Brazauskas Klarinette
Jisu Han Sheng
Mayumi Kanagawa Violine
Harald Edin Kontrabass
Clara De Groote Perkussion
Marius Felix Lange Komposition, Text
Tomo Sugao Regie, Konzeption
Timo Dentler, Okarina Peter Ausstattung
Ulrich Schneider Lichtdesign
Jasmin Schlüter Ausstattungssassistenz
David Münch Bühnenbau

Marius Felix Lange: Momotaro

Age: 5–9 years
Language: Auf Deutsch

Who wouldn’t be surprised if they cut open a peach, only to be greeted by a lively, cheerful little boy? This happened to a couple in a Japanese fairy-tale. The peach boy Momotaro is an adventurous little fellow, and together with three friends, he sets out to vanquish the evil demons on the mysterious island of Onigashima. «Momotaro, der Pfirsichjunge» is a story which seems predestined to be set to music and transformed into impressive stage action. Not least, it shows that keeping faith in life, despite its vagaries, is ultimately rewarded.


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  • 12
    Free seating
  • 18

(+352) 26 32 26 32

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