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«Nothing to Remember»

live performances: Louise Bourgeois x Lucilin

18.11.2023 12:30 & 14:45,

Grand Foyer

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United Instruments of Lucilin
Stefan Scheib contrebasse
Sophie Deshayes flûte
Max Mausen clarinette
André Pons-Valdès violon
Pascal Meyer keyboard
Guy Frisch percussion

Improvisations autour des partitions graphiques de Louise Bourgeois

Duration: 30’

United Instruments of Lucilin interpret the drawings of Louise Bourgeois’ facsimile Nothing to Remember, created between 2004 and 2006 in a series of happenings.


Pass à la journée / Tagespass / day pass: 18.11.: 20 € (<30 ans: 12 €)
Pass pour l’ensemble du festival / Festivalpass / festival pass (4 jours / Tage / days): 55 € (<30 ans: 33 €)

Has already taken place
