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Pick & Mix

Choose at least 4 concerts per Pick & Mix and get a 10% discount.


- Possibility to choose your concerts among a list of 10 events proposed by the Philharmonie
- Possibility to mix musical genres
- 10% discount for the purchase of 4 or more concerts among the 10 proposed
- Guaranteed tickets for the concerts of your choice before the official start of sales
- For those aged 30 and under: 40% discount on the subscription price

  • How to subscribe and renew your subscription?

    Our subscriptions for the 2023/24 season are on sale from 11.05.2023.

    Once completed, please return your subscription form by post or by e-mail to abos@philharmonie.lu. New applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis after the closing date of the 2022/23 subscription renewal period.

    Form Pick & Mix

  • Vouchers

    You may use any credit on your customer account or any vouchers you may have to pay for your subscriptions.
    The balance of your account will be deducted automatically for the payment of subscription.

  • General Sales Conditions

    Every subscription order is based on the acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions available on: https://www.philharmonie.lu/media/content/download/documents/AGB_EN.pdf

    Stay up to date about possible changes to opening hours, prices or on-sale dates by consulting our website. This page is updated on a daily basis.