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Riccardo Chailly & Filarmonica della Scala

«New Beginnings»

21.05.2024 19:30,

Grand Auditorium

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Filarmonica della Scala
Riccardo Chailly direction
Alexander Malofeev piano

Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski: Concerto pour piano et orchestre N° 1
Sergueï Prokofiev: Symphonie N° 3

as Riccardo Chailly, pianist Alexander Malofeev and the Filarmonica della Scala perform two Russian masterpieces. Tchaikovsky’s alternately stormy and tender Piano Concerto N° 1 is packed full of glorious melodies, including several inspired by Ukrainian folk tunes. It is followed by Prokofiev’s incandescent Symphony N° 3 – a musical depiction of black magic and romantic obsession, adapted by the composer from his opera The Fiery Angel.

Trier–Philharmonie Luxembourg

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Regular price
  • 95
  • 75
  • 45
<30 years
  • 57
  • 45
  • 27

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Conférence Anne Payot-Le Nabour

18:45, Salle de Musique de Chambre