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«Rising star: Mathis Stier»

07.05.2024 19:30,

Salle de Musique de Chambre

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Mathis Stier basson
Julius Schepansky accordéon

Philipp Friedrich Böddecker: Sonata sopra «La Monica»
Maria Sigfúsdóttir: Remembering
Krzysztof Penderecki: Trois miniatures pour clarinette et piano
Johann Sebastian Bach: Triosonate BWV 525
Alexandre Tansman: Sonatine pour basson et piano
Lepo Sumera: Quasi improvisata
Roger Boutry: Interférences

This German duo brings a unique blend of instruments rarely found in chamber ensembles. But as their rise to stardom shows, it’s a blend that works. As does their programme of reworked pieces from composers all over the globe – combining different stylistic influences as deftly as Mathis Stier and Julius Schepansky blend their classical and folk instruments.

«Rising stars» – ECHO European Concert Hall Organisation
Nominated by Elbphilharmonie and Kölner Philharmonie

The concert will be recorded and broadcast on radio 100,7 on June 30, 2024.


Regular price
  • 25
  • 15
<30 years
  • 15
  • 9

(+352) 26 32 26 32

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