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«Sea Beneath The Skin»

14.06.2024 19:30,

Grand Auditorium

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Luxembourg Philharmonic
Theatre of Kiribati
Duncan Ward direction
Raehann Bryce-Davis Mezzosopran
Sean Panikkar ténor
Lemi Ponifasio mise en scène, Choréographe, scénographie
Helen Todd lumière

Gustav Mahler: Das Lied von der Erde
Chants traditionnels du Pacifique

This unique and thought-provoking event, devised by Samoan choreographer and director Lemi Ponifasio combines Mahler’s mystical Das Lied von der Erde with traditional chants from the Pacific region. The concert is part of the red bridge project, a joint initiative of by Mudam, the Grand Théâtre and the Philharmonie.

Commissioned by Philharmonie
Production MAU and Philharmonie

Trier–Philharmonie Luxembourg

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Regular price
  • 55
  • 40
  • 25
<30 years
  • 33
  • 24
  • 15

(+352) 26 32 26 32

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Artist talk

18:30, Salle de Musique de Chambre