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«Seldom Scene»

film / live performance, drop-in / family event: Old-time cinema for new ears and eyes

19.11.2023 14:00,

Espace Découverte

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Fred Hormain saxophones
Angharad Davies violon
Tim Parkinson piano, objets
Frin Wolter accordéon

14:00–18.00 / Âge: à partir de 6 ans

«Seldom Scene» presents MEMORekindling: a programme of old short films projected on vintage analogue equipment from rare, original 8mm or 16mm prints. Long-lost naiveté flickers back to life in 2023 with this programme of children’s treats from the Seldom Scene celluloid vaults.


Pass à la journée / Tagespass / day pass: 19.11.: 20 € (<30 ans: 12 €) (hors / außer / except
concert 19.11. 20:00 Laurie Anderson)
Pass pour l’ensemble du festival / Festivalpass / festival pass (4 jours / Tage / days): 55 € (<30 ans: 33 €)

Has already taken place
