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«Sie ging ja nur vorbei»

21.01.2024 17:00,

Salle de Musique de Chambre

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Trio Dora
Carole Mallinger-Leyers violon, voix
Yves Tordy violoncelle
Annalena Castagna piano
Fabienne Elaine Hollwege comédie

Œuvres de Pejačević

The ambitious project «Frauen mit Flügel» (Women with Wings) aims to give female composers a more prominent place on the current music scene. Together with the actress Fabienne Elaine Hollwege, the Trio Dora draws vibrant portraits of these often overlooked figures. Part concerts, part plays, their hybrid performances mix genres to bring audiences closer to what truly matters: an encounter with a composer and a woman, with her music and with her life. With Sie ging ja nur vorbei, the Trio pay a particular tribute to their namesake Dora Pejačević, the first female composer in Croatian history. Her rather short life is as fascinating as it is inspiring. Born into an aristocratic family, she sought to escape her social class, finding inspiration in the company of intellectuals such as Karl Kraus or Rainer Maria Rilke. While her works were widely performed in her home country during her lifetime, they unfortunately fell into oblivion after her untimely death. Thanks to the Trio Dora and Fabienne Elaine Hollwege, they can now come alive once more.

We regret to inform you that the concert of the ensemble Trio Dora, «Sie ging ja nur vorbei», originally planned on Sunday 21.01.2024, had to be cancelled. We are currently checking all possibilities of finding a substitute date within the current season. Thank you for your understanding.


Regular price
    Free seating
  • 25
<30 years
    Free seating
  • 15

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