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Sol Gabetta & Hélène Grimaud

«Sonates & fantaisies»

16.10.2023 19:30,

Grand Auditorium

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Sol Gabetta violoncelle
Hélène Grimaud piano

Robert Schumann: Fantasiestücke op. 73
Johannes Brahms: Sonate für Violoncello und Klavier N° 1
Dmitri Chostakovitch: Sonate pour violoncelle et piano
Manuel de Falla: Bis: «Nana» (Suite populaire espagnole d'après les Siete canciones populares españolas) pour violoncelle et piano (arr. Maurice Maréchal)
Manuel de Falla: Bis: «Polo» (Suite populaire espagnole d'après les Siete canciones populares españolas) pour violoncelle et piano (arr. Maurice Maréchal)
Ernest Bloch: Bis: Prayer (From Jewish Life)

A musician’s residency at the Philharmonie enables the audience to get to know the artists not only in different repertoire, but also in varying roles. Hélène Grimaud will perform on two evenings in October: once as a soloist with orchestra, once as a chamber musician. On the first evening, she partners the Luxembourg Philharmonic; on the second, she is joined by the cellist Sol Gabetta, with whom Grimaud has also recorded a CD entitled «Duo», whose programme will form the backbone of their joint appearance in Luxembourg.

Trier–Philharmonie Luxembourg

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Regular price
  • 75
  • 55
  • 35
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  • 45
  • 33
  • 21

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