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Tugan Sokhiev

«Prokofiev & Shostakovich: Boundary-breakers»

24.05.2024 19:30,

Grand Auditorium

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Luxembourg Philharmonic
Tugan Sokhiev direction
Haochen Zhang piano

Sergueï Prokofiev: Concerto pour piano et orchestre N° 2
Dmitri Chostakovitch: Symphonie N° 10

Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto N° 2 is one of the most challenging in the repertoire and caused a scandal at its premiere due to its wild inventiveness. It is paired with Shostakovich’s dramatic Symphony N° 10 – allegedly a depiction of the terrors of Stalinist Russia. Come and hear the Luxembourg Philharmonic perform these works with brilliant young pianist Haochen Zhang and internationally renowned conductor Tugan Sokhiev.

This concert will be broadcast live on radio 100,7 and SR2.

Trier–Philharmonie Luxembourg

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Regular price
  • 65
  • 45
  • 30
<30 years
  • 39
  • 27
  • 18

(+352) 26 32 26 32

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Artist talk

18:45, Salle de Musique de Chambre