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«Wagner & Ligeti: In the distance»

26.01.2024 19:30,

Grand Auditorium

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Luxembourg Philharmonic
Gustavo Gimeno direction
Elisabet Strid soprano

György Ligeti: Atmosphères
Richard Wagner: Lohengrin: Vorspiel
Richard Wagner: Tristan und Isolde: Vorspiel und Liebestod (Prélude et Mort d'Isolde)
György Ligeti: Lontano
Richard Wagner: Parsifal WWV 111: Prelude
Richard Wagner: Götterdämmerung (Le Crépuscule des dieux): Brünnhildes Opferszene (L'Immolation de Brünnhilde)

An unusual combination – at least at first glance. Upon closer examination, these two composers have more in common than one might assume. Not least their ability to give opulently-sized orchestras a virtuoso treatment. György Ligeti, whose centenary the music world is celebrating his season, has also become a cinematic legend for Atmosphères, which Stanley Kubrick used for 2001: A Space Odyssey. Meanwhile, there are those who claim that Richard Wagner would be working in Hollywood if he were alive today. The Luxembourg Philharmonic is led by Gustavo Gimeno in this resounding cinemascope equivalent at the Grand Auditorium, where the conductor will participate in an Artist talk in English at 18:45.

Trier–Philharmonie Luxembourg

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Artist talk: Gustavo Gimeno in conversation with Stephan Gehmacher (EN)

18:45, Salle de Musique de Chambre

Artist talk: Gustavo Gimeno in conversation with Stephan Gehmacher (EN)