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28 May 2020

Beethoven! – Frank Peter Zimmermann

by Anne Payot-Le Nabour

Praised for «the clarity of his interpretation, the purity of his playing, the finesse of his tone and the light touch of his bow» (Concertclassic), the German violinist Frank Peter Zimmermann returns this autumn to the Philharmonie, where he is a regular and welcome guest. Beethoven’s 250th anniversary has inspired him to interpret all of the composer’s Sonatas for Violin and Piano with the pianist Martin Helmchen on two evenings: ten true duets, in which the two instruments meet as equal partners. Beethoven has indeed spared the performers no technical challenge.

The works hail from his two early creative phases, when he was not yet attempting to explode classical form. However, they offer an impressive testament to the emancipation of the piano in the early 19th century. While the first three sonatas, which Beethoven dedicated to his teacher Salieri, and the fifth, the «Spring Sonata», are still beholden to the tradition of Mozart, others presumably irritated contemporary audiences considerably, such as the ninth, the «Kreutzer Sonata», which its dedicatee, the French violinist Rodolphe Kreutzer, considered «unintelligible». Some of these works were even accused of spreading «musical terror».

Nothing of the kind is to be expected when an exceptional violinist meets a sensitive pianist, «illuminating [the works] from within in such a way that instrumental playing becomes thought expressed in music» (ResMusica), and when a world-class duo performs a monument of the repertoire.


Cover photo: Harald Hoffmann


  • 27.10.2020 20:00

    Frank Peter Zimmermann & Martin Helmchen – Beethoven I

    Has already taken place

    Ludwig van Beethoven incarne une figure révolutionnaire dans l’histoire de la musique, qui a redéfini non seulement le genre de la symphonie mais aussi celui de la sonate pour violon. Ses oeuvres pour pianoforte et violon sont un dialogue entre deux partenaires égaux – le violoniste Frank Peter Zimmermann et le pianiste Martin Helmchen, deux musiciens d’exception qui se connaissent depuis de nombreuses années, plongent au coeur des secrets des sonates pour violon de Beethoven lors de deux soirées en octobre et décembre et rendent hommage au compositeur à l’occasion de son 250e anniversaire. Lors d'une conférence en français à 19:15 en Salle de Musique de Chambre, Charlotte Brouard-Tartarin évoquera l’histoire de la sonate pour violon et clavier, de ses origines à Beethoven.

    Kulturpass bienvenue!

  • 10.12.2020 20:00

    Concert reporté | Frank Peter Zimmermann & Martin Helmchen – Beethoven II


    REMARQUE: Following the updated government measures against the coronavirus which come into effect on November 25, 2020, all concerts at the Philharmonie are cancelled, effective immediately, up to and including December 15, 2020. Those customers affected will be contacted personally with detailed information on the concert in question and refunding options. The Philharmonie team is working hard to answer all inquiries and handle all refunds as soon as possible, but we kindly ask for your understanding that this may still take some time. Needless to say, we will inform our customers and the public if the situation warrants further changes to our event schedule beyond December 15.