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«Memory Containers»

live performance: The Montreal-based quartet Architek Percussion

17.11.2023 18:15,

Espace Découverte

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Architek Percussion
Noam Bierstone, Ben Duinker, Alexander Haupt, Ben Reimer percussion
Gabriel Dufour-Laperrière régie son

Sabrina Schroeder: Stircrazer I
Emily Doolittle: (re)cycling I: metals (création, commande Philharmonie)

Duration: 60’

Architek Percussion presents two new works involving the sounds of snowfall, foghorns and propellors, as well as a large number of recycled metal containers retaining the memory of their former use.


Pass à la journée / Tagespass / day pass: 17.11.: 15 € (<30 ans: 9 €)
Pass pour l’ensemble du festival / Festivalpass / festival pass (4 jours / Tage / days): 55 € (<30 ans: 33 €)

Has already taken place


Artist talk with Emily Doolittle (EN)

17:30, Grand Foyer