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«Welcome Here Kind Stranger»

live performance-installation: Find the «secret» room and join the open session (seisiún)

17.11.2023 19:00,

Salon PhilaPhil

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Brìghde Chaimbeul scottish pipes
Owen Spafford, Sam Amidon fiddle
Louis Campbell guitar
Annabelle Blott set design

Owen Spafford: Welcome Here, Kind Stranger

19:00–23:00 with occasional breaks

A live performance-installation exploring marginalised working-class stories through the lens of traditional Irish and English music. Bring your own instrument and feel free to join in.


Pass à la journée / Tagespass / day pass: 17.11.: 15 € (<30 ans: 9 €)
Pass pour l’ensemble du festival / Festivalpass / festival pass (4 jours / Tage / days): 55 € (<30 ans: 33 €)

Has already taken place
