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13 June 2018

Grandes voix 2018/19

by Philharmonie Luxembourg

«Singing is a fundamental mode of musical expression. It is specifically suited to the expression of specific ideas, since it is almost always linked to a text; even without words, the voice is capable of personal and identifiable utterances. It is arguably the most subtle and flexible of musical instruments, and therein lies much of the fascination of the art of singing.» (Owen Jander/Ellen T. Harris: Singing. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians – Oxford: Oxford University Press 2001.)

Our series «Grandes voix» celebrates this most intimate musical instrument with those who master it in the finest way.

Simon Keenlyside, who was just recently knighted by the Queen, will sing the title role of Rigoletto. He is joined by this impressive cast: Ekaterina Siurina, Saimir Pirgu, Stanislav Trofimov, Alisa Kolosova, Pietro Picone, Carlo Cigni, Andrea Borghini, Kiril Chobanov and Alexandra Scholik.


Almost twenty years after the release of her famous «Vivaldi Album» (1999), Cecilia Bartoli will come to the Philharmonie with an all Vivaldi programme.
«I need time. To recharge, of course, but also to struggle. Everything today for a musician is too easy, too slick, too on hand. Learning about these Vivaldi works, deciphering the manuscripts, deciding what to sing since much of the work is for castrato - the mezzo voice didn't really exist at that time and is technically very difficult - all that's the kind of challenge I love», said the extraordinary Italian singer in an interview with the Guardian in 1999.


The German tenor Daniel Behle will perform Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy's Paulus alongside Johanna Winkel, Michael Nagy, the Gaechinger Cantorey and of course the OPL under the baton of Hans-Christoph Rademann.


«At the end of the day I always return to Handel, whose psychological drama always arrests me in its depth and poignancy. These are roles that I can continuously return to and always find new angles and insights.» (Joyce DiDonato in an interview on primephonic)


  • 05.10.2018 20:00

    Verdi: Rigoletto – Gustavo Gimeno

    Has already taken place

    Depuis sa création acclamée à Venise en 1851, Rigoletto est devenu l’un des opéras de Giuseppe Verdi parmi les plus populaires et les plus donnés. Notamment parce qu’il renferme les mélodies sans doute les plus connues du compositeur italien. La tragique histoire du fou et de sa fille sera donnée le 05.10. sur la scène de la Philharmonie en version concert. Au- delà de l’Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg dirigé par son directeur musical Gustavo Gimeno et du Philharmonia Chor Wien, se déploiera une distribution soliste de haute volée. Le rôle-titre reviendra au baryton britannique Simon Keenlyside tandis que la soprano russe Ekaterina Siurina incarnera Gilda.

    Kulturpass, bienvenue!

    Ce concert sera enregistré par radio 100.7 et diffusé ultérieurement.

  • 11.04.2019 20:00

    Ouschterconcert – Paulus

    Has already taken place

    Inspired by a commission from the St. Cecilia Association of Frankfurt, Mendelssohn had the idea of composing an oratorio. As a subject, he chose the figure of Paul of Tarsus, who made history as the «Thirteenth Apostle» after his conversion and is known especially for his eloquent epistles. First performed in 1836, the work has become a cornerstone of the German-language oratorio repertoire, largely due to its opulent choral movements, its heartfelt, lyrical arias and charming ensemble numbers. During the performance on April 11, the Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg appears with a high-carat ensemble of soloists and the Gaechinger Cantorey under Hans-Christoph Rademann.

  • 14.05.2019 19:00

    Händel: Agrippina – Joyce DiDonato

    Has already taken place

    On May 14 at 19:00 the Grand Auditorium will witness an imperial evening. The concert version of Händel’s opera Agrippina showcases a politico-erotic intrigue which already captivated the audience at the work’s Venetian premiere. As the conniving empress, the American mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato is joined by Marie-Nicole Lemieux as Ottone and Franco Fagioli as Nerone. The young conductor Maxim Emelyanychev leads the ensemble il pomo d’oro. Cries of «Viva il caro Sassone!» greeted the composer at the premiere. 300 years later, the situation at the Philharmonie is likely to be quite similar.

    REMARQUE: Nous avons le regret de vous annoncer que Marie-Nicole Lemieux est contrainte d’annuler pour des raisons personnelles sa prestation avec Joyce DiDonato et il pomo d’oro dans la production d’Agrippina (version concert), ce mardi 14 mai à la Philharmonie Luxembourg ainsi que sur l’ensemble de la tournée. Nous tenons à remercier le contre-ténor Xavier Sabata d’avoir accepté de la remplacer, dans un si court délai, pour le rôle d’Ottone, composé aussi bien pour contralto que contre-ténor.