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28 October 2022

Women making waves

by Charlotte Brouard-Tartarin, Christoph Gaiser, Tatjana Mehner, Anne Payot-Le Nabour

First-rate female artists play an important role in the Philharmonie’s programme throughout the season, but November 2022 is particularly rich in great names: violinists Anne-Sophie Mutter and Julia Fischer, pianist Yuja Wang and mezzo-soprano Cecilia Bartoli appear on the Philharmonie stage in quick succession. The return of all four artists to Luxembourg is a first-rate opportunity to discover – or rediscover – the talent and charisma of these exceptional performers!

Anne-Sophie Mutter

There is hardly a musical personality in the field of classical music who is as well-known in the German-language region as Anne-Sophie Mutter. Her enormous talent allowed her to climb the career ladder at breakneck speed; her technique, musicality and curiosity brought her into contact with the most important personalities and institutions around the globe. Any kind of pigeon-holing is anathema to her; John Williams composes for her, as does Jörg Widmann. As a mature and committed artist, effective and sustainable support for young musicians is an issue dear to her heart, and she offers this mainly through her own foundation and the ensemble Mutter’s Virtuosi. She has always taken a clear stand on world events: she raised her voice in protest against the misery which gripped the music sector during the Covid-19 pandemic and has given several benefit concerts for the victims of the war of aggression against Ukraine. Together with the young cellist Pablo Ferrández, Mutter recently recorded Brahms’ Double Concerto for CD – at the Philharmonie Luxembourg, this fruitful collaboration can now be experienced live on 14.11., accompanied by the London Philharmonic Orchestra under Edward Gardner.


Julia Fischer

In addition to her outstanding virtuosity, it has always been her curiosity and open-mindedness towards her surroundings and technical innovation which ensured that Julia Fischer is equally popular among cognoscenti and classical novices – regardless of generation boundaries! Her JF Club was the first music platform owned by an artist in the classical market. For a long time, she was the youngest professor at a German music academy, and the exceptional artist is still passionately interested in music education – for example as a co-founder of the «Kindersinfoniker», a string orchestra consisting entirely of young and very young musicians. The «Kapellsolistin», an honour bestowed upon her by the Sächsische Staatskapelle, now comes to Luxembourg for two evenings with that orchestra from Dresden, performing the work of a former child prodigy – Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’s Violin Concerto – as well as the masterful Violin Concerto by Ludwig van Beethoven.


Yuja Wang

Yuja Wang is an artist who feels entirely at home in the 21st century. She likes to be where she is not expected, diverging brilliantly from the paths that seem preordained for her. A child prodigy from a family of musicians, she came to international attention in 2007 when she stepped in at short notice for Martha Argerich. The pianist has acquired a broad repertoire of concerti, sonatas and chamber music works, ranging from Bach to Albéniz, from Gershwin, Fauré and Brahms to Stravinsky. She will interpret works by the latter on Nov. 28 together with her friend and faithful musical partner, the violinist Leonidas Kavakos, before returning to the podium of the Grand Auditorium on March 13, 2023 with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Esa-Pekka Salonen. What would excellence be without curiosity? Every piano performance by Yuja Wang demonstrates that one would be pointless without the other.


Cecilia Bartoli

Cecilia Bartoli, who was born into a family of musicians and first walked the stage at the age of nine before making her debut a few years later in Il barbiere di Siviglia, garnered the attention of such famous conductors as Daniel Barenboim, Herbert von Karajan and Nikolaus Harnoncourt. The career of the «Diva assoluta» (Les Échos), however, is not limited to vocalism: she is known for her innovative and original projects – earning her the reputation of being the «Indiana Jones» of contemporary music – and has been appointed director of the Opéra de Monte-Carlo, a post she takes up in January, while already leading her faithful Musiciens du Prince-Monaco, an orchestra she founded in 2016. Of course this ensemble accompanies her during the autumn concert, which has become a beloved tradition for the Philharmonie’s audience. On Nov. 30, she invites listeners to a grand opera evening, featuring a concert performance of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s La clemenza di Tito, a work with fascinating arias in which the mezzo-soprano will once again display the «enchanting textures» (Le Temps) of her voice. There must be a reason this diva bears the name of the patron saint of music…



  • 14.11.2022 20:00

    Anne-Sophie Mutter / Pablo Ferrández / Edward Gardner / LPO

    Has already taken place

    After her celebrated performance in November 2021, Anne-Sophie Mutter returns to Luxembourg to perform Johannes Brahms’ Double Concerto – still relatively rarely played – with Pablo Ferrández. They are accompanied by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, which offers Béla Bartók’s Concerto for Orchestra under Edward Gardner’s baton in the second half of the concert, demonstrating its technical and musical excellence. Tatjana Mehner gives a lecture in German at the Salle de Musique de Chambre at 7:15 pm, focusing particularly on Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’s Die schöne Melusine and the various musical explorations of the myth of Melusine.

    Concert en hommage à Leurs Altesses Royales Le Grand-Duc Jean et La Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte

  • 17.11.2022 20:00

    Julia Fischer / David Afkham / Staatskapelle Dresden

    Has already taken place

    Richard Wagner was known to call the Staatskapelle Dresden a «Wunderharfe», a «wondrous harp». Herbert von Karajan claimed its sound resembled «ancient gold». Even today, many are convinced that the sound of the Staatskapelle is unique, the inspiration for countless masterworks. On Nov. 17 and 18, the Luxembourg audience has an opportunity to listen to this legendary orchestra personally. Under the baton of David Afkham (on the first evening) and Tugan Sokhiev (on the second) and with violinist Julia Fischer, the Dresden orchestra presents one all-Mendelssohn evening and one double bill of Beethoven and Brahms. The concert on Nov. 17 is preceded by a lecture in German by the Mendelssohn expert Cornelia Thierbach at the Salle de Musique de Chambre at 7:15 pm.

    NOTE: We regret having to inform you that Christian Thielemann has been forced to cancel his concerts with the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden on November 17 and 18 due to enduring problems with his shoulder. We are grateful to David Afkham for stepping in on November 17 at short notice.
    The Philharmonie’s Information & Billetterie team is available for any questions you may have at (+352) 26 32 26 32. Thank you for your understanding.

  • 28.11.2022 20:00

    Leonidas Kavakos & Yuja Wang

    Has already taken place
    «The violinist and the pianist gave a recital in which bow and keys merged, forming one single instrument» (Le Temps). Without doubt, this will happen again on Nov. 28, when Leonidas Kavakos and Yuja Wang return to the Philharmonie for a duo recital. This time, the two alchemists of sound will prove their symbiotic powers in a programme combining two signature works of the romantic chamber literature by Johannes Brahms and Robert Schumann with the elegiac Third Sonata by Leoš Janáček, which stands testament to the composer’s love of Russian culture.